
写真は二次会AIP cafeにて。
今年の目標、コミットしたいもの、今後の運営とか盛り上げて行こうとか色々・・・。PHP5.3のgotoっていまさらどうよ(個人的にはstruct使えると良いなーとか思ったけど型ないからあまり意味ない)とか。やっぱりVimとEmacsの話になったりとか。最後はなぜか合コンがどうのこうのという話に 笑。



“codecheck.in新年会” への77件のフィードバック

  1. It is very comforting to see that others are suffering from the same problem as you, wow!

  2. Thanks for thr great article!

  3. It is very comforting to see that others are suffering from the same problem as you, wow!

  4. It is very comforting to see that others are suffering from the same problem as you, wow!

  5. Thanks for thr great article!

  6. Thanks for thr great article!

  7. Thanks for thr great article!

  8. Thank you so much!

  9. It is very comforting to see that others are suffering from the same problem as you, wow!

  10. It is very comforting to see that others are suffering from the same problem as you, wow!


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